Educational Therapy Programs

Educational Therapy Programs

Educational Therapy Programs

Educational Therapy is NOT tutoring, but an intervention that helps to “rewire brains” for more effective processing.

Not homework help. Not test prep. Not grade focused.

Educational Therapy IS: deep, authentic, and lasting learning.

Educational Therapy is NOT tutoring, but an intervention that helps to “rewire brains” for more effective processing.

Not homework help. Not test prep. Not grade focused.

Educational Therapy IS: deep, authentic, and lasting learning.


Can Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and other learning disabilities or weaknesses be healed? Permanently? YES!

NILD Education Therapy® was developed to treat assumed, underlying causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. It is a true therapy in that it aims the intervention just above the student’s level of functioning and raises the expectations of performance.

Students receive two 60-minute sessions weekly of intensive and prescriptive educational therapy (or a modified version as necessary) contracted for the entirety of the school year for 2 to 3 years.

Sessions include a variety of techniques designed to address students’ specific areas of difficulty and stimulate perceptual processing weaknesses. The goal is to improve learners’ overall ability to think, reason, focus, problem solve, and process information.

Techniques emphasize basic skill areas such as reading, writing, spelling and math while strengthening executive functions.


Can Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and other learning disabilities or weaknesses be healed? Permanently? YES!

NILD Education Therapy® was developed to treat assumed, underlying causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. It is a true therapy in that it aims the intervention just above the student’s level of functioning and raises the expectations of performance.

Students receive two 60-minute sessions weekly of intensive and prescriptive educational therapy (or a modified version as necessary) contracted for the entirety of the school year for 2 to 3 years.

Sessions include a variety of techniques designed to address students’ specific areas of difficulty and stimulate perceptual processing weaknesses. The goal is to improve learners’ overall ability to think, reason, focus, problem solve, and process information.

Techniques emphasize basic skill areas such as reading, writing, spelling and math while strengthening executive functions.

SEARCH & Teach ®

An individualized intervention designed for Little Learners.

SEARCH & Teach provides identification and treatment in the key areas students need for learning. SEARCH is an early identification testing instrument designed to survey perceptual and neuropsychological functions basic to learning. TEACH includes instructional tasks designed to address the SEARCH profile of assets and deficits. Working systematically, students’ weaknesses are strengthened for better performance in school and life.

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SEARCH & Teach ®

An individualized intervention designed for Little Learners.

SEARCH & Teach provides identification and treatment in the key areas students need for learning. SEARCH is an early identification testing instrument designed to survey perceptual and neuropsychological functions basic to learning. TEACH includes instructional tasks designed to address the SEARCH profile of assets and deficits. Working systematically, students’ weaknesses are strengthened for better performance in school and life.

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SEARCH & Teach ®

An individualized intervention designed for Little Learners.

SEARCH & Teach provides identification and treatment in the key areas students need for learning. SEARCH is an early identification testing instrument designed to survey perceptual and neuropsychological functions basic to learning. TEACH includes instructional tasks designed to address the SEARCH profile of assets and deficits. Working systematically, students’ weaknesses are strengthened for better performance in school and life.

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Building efficient learning processes in Language or Mathematics in groups of 4 or 8.

Reading RX

An intervention targeted at Dyslexia and other reading disorders. Reading RX is a comprehensive program including intervention for oral and written language, receptive and expressive processes, beginning with phonemic awareness and moving through to fluency and comprehension.

Math RX

A focused intervention for Dyscalculia and other math disorders. In this game-filled intervention, students’ foundational math concepts will be strengthened while problem-solving and application are challenged in an atmosphere where math anxiety is reduced and thinking is maximized.

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Building efficient learning processes in Language or Mathematics in groups of 4 or 8.

Reading RX

An intervention targeted at Dyslexia and other reading disorders. Reading RX is a comprehensive program including intervention for oral and written language, receptive and expressive processes, beginning with phonemic awareness and moving through to fluency and comprehension.

Math RX

A focused intervention for Dyscalculia and other math disorders. In this game-filled intervention, students’ foundational math concepts will be strengthened while problem-solving and application are challenged in an atmosphere where math anxiety is reduced and thinking is maximized.

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Main Office:

8951 SW 44th St.
Annex Building
Miami, FL 33165

Contact Us:

(786) 334-6967

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